Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How do you choose........

So i had an interesting conversation today with my cousin, Ms. Kayla Thompson, and my question to the rest of the world is: How do you know to choose between your heart and your mind? Which should you follow and which do you follow more? Think about the experiences you've had in your life, and which one did you follow during those times. Were you right for choosing the one that you did or do you regret it and made a huge mistake..i need your feedback women please let me know......Love ya

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"u just gotta find the one with the LEAST amount of issues, that plays the LEAST amount of games, and has things to offer you......" --Kayla Thompson, advice for you women on a man hunt...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Still working hard on this book trying to get my mind in mode, i am still needing help from the ladies of my life and any who are willing to help..I am looking for your stories, experiences, inspirational thoughts, and anything you are willing to share with the world to help out a poor lost soul or any young woman in a bad situation, or even one trying to make a decision that you may have the best answer send me your things to be published in a book not my book, but our book together to make some changes in the minds of the young women today..

Love Ya'll, Thanks.........

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Project num two

Ok you guys here's my number two project titled, Diaries of a Babymomma, now i know the title is ghetto, but that's what i wanted. The book is based on four characters that are friends and it is kind of a fictional reflection of my first project, Teenage Love Affair, I am having alot of fun with this book even though it is bringing back alot of memories for me. so i am goin to give you a breakdown of each character so you can kind of get the feel of what the book will behold. Ready, ok here we go hope you enjoy........

Sherry: She's a nice girl who works hard, loves hard, and does it all, but with the cheating boyfriend in her life how much can she take before she seeks the ultimate revenge........

Taisha: Is always the loyal, faithful, and loving wife, that is until she finds that someone new who is more intresting, will she ever find that man for her to hold her heart or at least her attention.....

Prie: She loves her fiance more than life, but she loves something else more, more than he is able to provide for her. Will the urges of her addiction cause her to lose the one person that she knows she can't live without......

Ashley: is so in love right now it's scarey, but her friends can't seem to see what it is so great about her man that they can't see, or is it really that their best friend is so blinded by love that she can't see how foolish she is. Is there some truth to these rumors about him......

okk ya'll so there's your sample. Does it sound intresting? Would you buy this book if you read the back of it in the store? Let me know.. i got more samples coming to you later. until next time THANKS!!!

I am......

I am currently writting my first book..i am going to try to put together stories from diff women about situations they have been through in their life. i dont want to give away to much of the book just yet but please stay tuned for samples...